
Trabajo de poda en abadiadetortoreos

Abadía de Tortoreos

It has been more than 100 years since our ancestors cultivated these lands, favored by a privileged climate. My son José Félix and I, we have managed to collect the witness to become one of the few wineries that produce Albariño Author wine..

Enrique Fernandez


On a surface of 4 Hectares, the winery is located in the Setados (As Neves), between the municipalities of Arbo and Salvatierra, on the banks of the Miño river as it passes through the Condado region in the south of the province of Pontevedra. It belongs to the Rías Baixas Denomination of Origin, Condado do Tea Subzone.


Rías Baixas

The Denomination of Origin Rías Baixas is a small

wine-growing area located in the north-west of Spain, in the region of Galicia, which bets on the indigenous varieties, in particular the Albariño, resistant to the adverse climatology of this territory that confer a quality and origin wines of

a marked Atlantic character



The Bajo Miño is a land of wine and inherited landscape. The abbeys of the Middle Ages and the fortresses of modern times coexist in a rural environment through which villages, neighborhoods, parishes and diverse places are dispersed